Wednesday, December 14, 2011

  Thank you to Professor Robert Mundy with much help and guidance I feel that I am becoming a better writer. Someone was finally able to get through to me in a way to make writing no longer a task but entertainment.

Shavéone Fagan
Professor Robert Mundy
English 1000C
6 December 2011
It all comes together
            Looking at my blog, I feel so accomplished. I feel that I am ready for any task set forth with writing. This class taught me so much that I know I will take with me in my future.
            In my blog I included every writing task that I’ve taken on this semester. I put them in the order of how they were assigned to me, hopefully showing my progression as a writer. It included first my purpose, where I explained the purpose of my blog and my ideas on the direction I wanted this blog to take. Then I went on to my literacy writing which was titled, “I choose you, my family”. The whole idea behind that writing piece was to explain my point of view on literacy and where I felt I learned my definition of literacy. This paper dealt a lot with my family, my culture, and my beliefs.
            The next paper on my blog titled, “The Social Network” dealt with social media and everyday life. I explained in this paper how people hide who they really are when on these social sites. Next was a paper called, “The Ring” this paper was comparing the traditional sweet sixteen and the modern day sweet sixteen celebrations. I used my family as an example in this because we still follow traditional ways of a sweet sixteen. The last and final paper,”Lend a helping hand” was a research paper I did on teen pregnancy. I choose this topic to research because I see so many teens pregnant and someone close to me is going through a teen pregnancy. I just felt I could speak about this topic very well due to the fact I had firsthand knowledge.
            I don’t have a specific intended audience for my blog. Just who ever is interested in reading my work, and will benefit somehow from it, is welcomed. I want them to share my knowledge that I’ve learned and be able to relate and carry on the messages that each of my papers sets forth. In all of my papers you will see that I somehow tie all of my discussions into family or being yourself. I believe those are two very important things, because family shapes you into the person that you are, but when it’s time to do for yourself you should be you and not what you see everybody else doing.
            The blog has made me see that things that I see around me are happening everywhere around the world not just in my own community. People experience the same situations and or challenges, that’s why we have to help and not discriminate against each other. Telling your own story could be telling another person’s story, helping them to understand they’re not the only one going through whatever it is in their life. Writing has more purpose for me now, it’s not just writing a paper because it was assigned to me, it’s more looking into what about that topic interest me so that I can better explain and educate the reader on the topic put forth.
            I remixed all of my writing pieces. Remixing all of my writing pieces I think made them come together as a whole. It gave my pieces more of a visual instead of all just words. The blog made my writings all come together; they were no longer individual pieces of writing. The remixes added a visual so you could better understand the point I was trying to get across in each writing. I’ve added pictures, music and videos to add life to just words. Writing has become fun for me no longer a task I have to do. I’ve found ways to make it more enjoyable for myself and the reader.

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